Mexican Slavery In Immokalee, Florida

By James Fulford


In Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit, Barry Estabrook writes:

"As a United States attorney for Florida’s Middle District based in Fort Myers, Douglas Molloy has had more than a decade of experience dealing with crime in Immokalee. More specifically, Molloy, who is in his early fifties and has wavy salt-and-pepper hair and a deeply lined face, has gained an international reputation by specializing in prosecuting an act that was supposed to have vanished from the United States 1 45 years ago. At any given time, Molloy works on six to twelve slavery cases. Immokalee, he says, is 'ground zero for modern-day slavery. ' He also says that any American who has eaten a winter tomato, either purchased at a supermarket or on top of a fast food salad, has eaten a fruit picked by the hand of a slave. 'That’s not an assumption,' he told me. 'That is a fact.'"

Both slaves and slavemasters are immigrants, mostly illegal — the example he gives is an illegal Guatemalan victimized by a Mexican.

Immigration enforcemt could free the slaves (and send them back to their home countries) but it’s blocked by the National Council of La Raza, the NAACP … and the growers. You know, the people we have called "the New Slave Power"?

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