Mexicans Dislike Crime and Corruption at Home, but Bring It to America Big Time

By Brenda Walker


Are Mexicans the most hypocritical people on earth?

A strong case can be made for YES.

Consider a recent question from a Hispanic immigration attorney to the “Ask a Mexican” columnist. Many Mexicans claim they leave the dear homeland because of crime and corruption, but see no problem in lying to get American legalization. Are they too morally bereft to see that the misconduct in their own behavior mirrors exactly what they say they want to escape, or are the Mexicans simply stupid? Or knowing hypocrites?

Why Do Mexicans Ask Me to Lie for Them? Unz Review, November 7, 2013

Dear Mexican: I’m a pocha immigration attorney. I have so many questions for you I’m thinking I should just hire you as a consultant. Why do Mexicans seem to want me to lie to them and steal their money, and tell them they can become residents even when it’s hopeless? Why can’t Mexicans answer yes or no questions, with a yes or no? Why do they have to give me long narratives that make no sense? If Mexicans claim that part of the reason they don’t want to be in Mexico is because of government corruption, then why do they ask me to lie for them, and help them to lie? Why are polleros the rudest, most aggressive clients a lawyer could ever have?

Interestingly, this individual observation lines up with recent polling from Pew. Law and order are important issues for Mexicans, according to the mainstream pollster — who knew!?

An October paper titled Mexicans and Salvadorans Have Positive Picture of Life in U.S. emphasized that point. In fact, 68 percent of Mexicans value law and order over personal freedom.

Here’s a snippet from the report:

The Mexican public’s concern for crime translates to real fear. A majority of Mexicans (63%) say they are afraid to walk alone at night within a kilometer of their home. This marks a seven percentage point increase compared with last year and a 13 point increase since 2007. Both women (65%) and men (60%) express similar levels of unease regarding their safety. Mexicans in urban areas (70%), however, are much more likely to express concern about their safety than those in rural areas (43%).

That’s funny — I am afraid to walk alone at night in any area populated by Mexicans. Many a nice American neighborhood has been turned into a crime-ridden barrio with the immigration influx of Mexicans. Ask Los Angeles.

Many Mexicans are affected directly by corruption in the form of bribery. Nearly a third of all Mexicans (32%) say they have had to do a favor, give a gift or pay a bribe to a government official in exchange for services or official documents in the past year.

Bribery is most commonplace in the north of Mexico. About half of Mexicans in the North (51%) say they often have had to pay a bribe for government services or documents. This affects less people in the South (37%) and Central (26%) regions of Mexico. Those who live in the Mexico City area cite the lowest instances of corruption, with only 18% saying they have had to pay a bribe in the past year.

Bribery is widespread in the Houston construction industry, now dominated by Hispanics, where bribes from illegal workers are paid to foremen to be hired and kickbacks are handed over each week to Mexican labor gangs. The corrupt arrangement is described as being “just like in Mexico.”

Law and Order a Priority
Given the Mexican public’s concern with crime and violence, it comes as no surprise that roughly two-thirds (68%) say it is more important for the government to maintain law and order than to protect personal freedoms at this time. Only 18% cite the protection of personal freedoms as more important, while 11% volunteer that both are equally important.

Mexicans of all political stripes prioritize law and order in their country. Clear majorities of Institutional Revolutionary Party supporters (70%), National Action Party supporters (69%) and Party of the Democratic Revolution supporters (66%) say that maintaining law and order is more important than personal freedoms.

Mexicans have brought all these problems and more to America wherever they congregate in large numbers. For example, kidnapping for ransom (common in Mexico) had been unknown in this country until the crime arrived with Mexicans, but it’s here now.

Plus Mexican drug cartels operate in more than a thousand American cities and have taken over parts of treasured national parks like Yosemite to grow pot with poisonous methods.

The Mexican way of crime is deeply embedded in the culture, and millions of legal and illegal Mexo-immigrants are importing it to America along with the tasty enchiladas so beloved by diversity advocates.

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