Mexico’s President Calderon Visits the U.S. Again
By Allan Wall
How about this? Mexican Presidente Felipe Calderon was in Washington, D.C. the day before the Supreme Court started hearing the SB 1070 case! Here are some excerpts from an article on the Mexican government’s presidential website:
During his working visit to Washington DC, Mexican President Felipe Calderón met with a two-party group of US federal congressmen. The legislators form part of the Hispanic Caucus, the Hispanic Conference and the Mexico-United States Parliamentary Friendship Group. This meeting is part of an intense dialogue between the Mexican Government and the US Congress and all the political actors in that country … .
The president hailed the importance of acknowledging migrants’ enormous contribution to the US economy and society … He also expressed the Mexican government’s concern over the presentation of local initiatives that damage the interests and rights of Mexicans resident in certain states and respectfully called for the adoption of a legal framework at the federal level that will reflect the demographic reality of the region … .
By "local initiatives" he means laws like SB 1070. And notice what he says about "the adoption of a legal framework at the federal level that will reflect the demographic reality of the region." In other words, our laws should change to accomodate Mexican immigrants and their descendents.
The congressmen who participated in the meeting included Charles González (D-TX, President of the Hispanic Caucus), Albio Sires (D-NJ), Devin Nunes (Co-Chair of the Mexico-US Friendship Group and R-CA), Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL), Francisco Canseco (R-TX), Jared Polis (D-CO, Co-chair of the Mexico-United States Friendship Grop), David Rivera (R-FL), Loretta Sánchez (D-CA), Jim Costa (D-CA), William H. Flores (R-TX), Theodore Deutch (D-FL), Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Xavier Becerra (D-CA) and Steny Hoyer (D-MD and Minority Leader in the House of Representatives.
Presidencia de la República, 24 Abril, 2012
After Washington, it was on to Houston for, among other things, a private meeting with "the Mexican community".