
Mexico’s White Supreme Court Includes Matt Gaetz Look-Alike

By Allan Wall


As we've noticed here at, Mexico is a racially statified society. The higher you go up the socioeconomic ladder, the whiter the Mexicans are. The lower you go the darker they are. Of course there are many exceptions, but that’s the general rule.

For my new Mexico News Report website I did a piece about the Mexican Supreme Court (click here for it).

The Mexican Supreme Court has 11 justices, each of whom serves a 15-year term. It currently has a woman chief justice, Norma Lucia Pina Hernandez.

In recent years, the Mexican Supreme Court has become more independent, and has ruled against the government.

Current president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) is not too pleased with it.

If you go to the court’s website, to this page, you can see all 11 Mexican Supreme Court justices. Notice that they mostly look white.

Wikipedia has a picture of them having dinner with then-Presidente Enrique Pena Nieto.

One of them, Alfredo Gutierrez Ortiz Mena, reminds me of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, though they comb their hair differently.

Gutierrez Ortiz Mena Gaetz

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