Michael Reagan’s Shameless Attempt to Use President Reagan’s Memory to Encourage GOP Hispandering
By Allan Wall
Michael Reagan, adopted son of Ronald Reagan, has been utilizing his late father’s reputation for years, and presents himself as some sort of spokesman for "What Reagan would Do/Think about XYZ Subject in the News".
In that vein, Michael Reagan was on Fox News shamelessly trading off his father’s memory to encourage the Republicans to pander to Hispanics. Michael Reagan went so far as to say (that his father would say) that if the GOP doesn’t get the Hispanic vote it will wind up "on the ash heap of history".
In the Fox interview (you can watch it here) Michael Reagan has this to say:
“He [Ronald Reagan] would [have] supported probably Newt Gingrich’s position on immigration. My father never would have broken up a family to try to make in fact a point on immigration, and so he would have applauded Newt Gingrich on that, but there was a lot of applause to go around from Ronald Reagan or myself, watching last night’s debate. “
Let’s face it — Reagan’s signing the 1986 amnesty was a major error. So let’s learn from that mistake and not make it even worse.
Contact Michael Reagan here and tell him why amnesty is a bad idea and the "family unification" argument is a phony one.