Mickey Kaus On The Fox All-Amnesty Lineup

By Patrick Cleburne


The always valuable Mickey Kaus has just asked a key question:

Does Fox News now have an All-Amnesty lineup? Looks like it. Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly have now fallen in line…Karl Rove was always on board, of course.

What about Fox News’ viewers? Are they going to go along like sheep? They now have no network that represents their perspective on what seems to be a key issue for Obama’s second term.

Time for a new Fox? The Daily Caller 01/21/2013

Kaus adds

Is there any other issue in American politics where the media’s coverage is so one-sided? …(When was the last time an L.A. Times editor sent a reporter to interview construction workers who’d permanently lost their middle class jobs to cheaper undocumented labor?)

and concludes

Here is a simple question the MSM might ask for starters: Why won’t the same thing happen with Obama’s “comprehensive immigration reform” as happened with Reagan’s similar 1986 immigration reform: We’ll get the amnesty part but the enforcement part will be blocked (by lawsuits, or lack of zeal on the part of administrators)?

Maybe the answer will be that, in proponents’ minds, it doesn’t really matter if we get another post-”reform” wave of 11 million new unauthorized immigrants. If so, that’s an answer Americans deserve to hear …

But I guess they won’t hear it on FOX

Can a policy be good for the nation when those in favor so automatically employ bribery and repression?

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