Mickey Kaus Risks Bad Karma — Gains Enlightenment
Mickey Kaus links to Peter Brimelow’s piece on William F. Buckley — he writes:"And now for another view of William F. Buckley: Since Buckley can no longer defend himself, it seems bad karma to even link. But try to stop reading it. The ruptures on the Right over immigration long predate John McCain, it turns out. … 12:45 A.M."
Scroll down or scroll up — I wish Mickey Kaus would provide one permalink per item, but that’s a minor annoyance. Buckley, of course, was the man who purged Peter Brimelow from National Review, so the question of him defending himself is kind of meaningless. (And we criticized him while he was alive, of course.)
Buckley’s own feelings about this kind of thing can be inferred, not only from his savage non-eulogy of Murray Rothbard, but from these two articles culled from his Hillsdale Archive, by means, if you're interested, of a search on the words "nisi bonum." — R.I.P., Henry Wallace, 11/23/1965 [PDF] and Bless 'Em All, 04/11/1972 [PDF].
Buckley was right about Henry Wallace, in that the evil that Henry Wallace did lived after him, and Peter Brimelow is right about Buckley, who not only started the "modern conservative movement," but whose legacy includes the "really modern conservative movement" represented by today’s National Review and the Weekly Standard.