Might As Well Have Said "Please Clap" — Ed Gillespie Ran a JEB! Campaign in a Trump World
Former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams writes in PJMedia that
Four years ago, Virginia conservatives were told you couldn’t win with a candidate who excited the Republican base. Conservatives were told that candidates like Ken Cuccinelli spelled certain doom, that the answer was a moderate establishment candidate. Tonight we now know that that candidate Ed Gillespie did worse than Ken Cuccinelli did. And Cuccinelli performed better without the support of the Virginia GOP establishment.
Ed Gillespie is certainly a good fellow. But his campaign used messages from 2004 and tactics from 1996. It seemed to exist outside of the ferocious upheavals of the modern polarized political world.
Here’s his main example (there’s more): a mailer he received via snail mail —
Direct mail piece. Highlight in original.
A candidate who emphasizes "compassion" and the Washington Post's endorsement of his "centrism" is not playing in the same league as Trump — he’s cucking.
Gillespie has always been a Republican Establishment crapweasel. In 2014, we noted:
Treason Lobbyist Ed Gillespie Wants To Be Virginia’s GOP Senator. Is He The Worst Candidate Ever? This year, we published an article about his feint to the right entitled Treason Lobbyist Ed Gillespie Feels Heat, Sees Light, May Surprise In VA Governor Race.
But Gillespie didn’t surprise — he ran true to his earlier form. Looking at this mailer, he might as well have said "Please clap."