By Rob Sanchez
Milwaukee County Supervisor Peggy West recently told the Board of Supervisors that Arizona was too far removed from the Mexican border to justify laws like SB 1070.
Peggy West would have made just as much sense to say that Michigan is too far removed from the Great Lakes to regulate and issue fishing licenses.
In response, on June 25, 2010 Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) sent a letter to Peggy West that explains to her that Arizona is indeed on the border with Mexico. In addition Kyl suggested that Peggy should read the law before making up her mind on its merits, and he even included a map so that she could see for herself where Arizona is.
Senator Kyl is being very presumptuous to assume that Peggy West would be capable of comprehending a map or to be able to read legislation that requires at least a high school reading capability in order to understand it.
Peggy West isn’t taking phone calls so nobody has been able to ask her more questions about geography or immigration laws. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel just announced that West will address her critics and hecklers on a radio program called "Inside the County Board" that will air on WISN-AM (1130) at 9:00 p.m. CDT ( 7 PST or 10 EST) on Sunday, July 4, 2010.
AM1130 has live streaming audio so if Peggy shows up it might be one of the highest rated programs in the history of that radio station!
Jim Stingl wrote a tongue in cheek update to the Peggy West story where he called County Supervisors in Arizona with questions about Wisconsin: The 'Peggy Wests' of the West. His article is funny but not especially relevant since Arizonans aren’t sticking their noses in Milwaukee politics.