When the “at-risk youth” are Somali immigrant boys dreaming of headchopping for Allah, then special programs must be developed to appeal to their delicate ethnic sensitivities. Anyway, that’s the plan for the feds to discourage young jihad wanna-bes from joining ISIS.
Minneapolis-St. Paul is practically the jihad capital of America, at least for Somalis — not to forget Dearbornistan and the active community of unfriendlies there.
As mentioned in the video above, the government has tried before to create programs to calm culturally hostile youth without success; see my 2011 blog, Somali Immigrants in Minnesota: Import a Problem, Then Pay to Try to Fix It.
Somali immigrants are nothing but trouble and remarkably resistant to socialization. Even the ones who don’t leave to pursue jihad are often engaged in gangs and violent crime.
Rather than trying to civilize persons from a hostile religious culture who are only here for the money at best, why doesn’t Washington realize its mistake and stop Muslim immigration, particularly from Somalia?
Unfortunately no such sanity is forthcoming: RefugeeResettlementWatch reported in September that 7600 Somalis were admitted to the US in 2013.
Interestingly, there’s no taxpayer cost given for the new outreach program, the purpose of which is to protect us from the immigrants Washington deposited into American communities.
Justice Department to expand outreach to Twin Cities in expanded effort to halt ISIS recruitment, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, September 17, 2014WASHINGTON — The Twin Cities were one of three muncipalities in the country that will participate in a pilot program to boost outreach in the Islamic community in effort to combat recruitment of naturalized Americans by the terrorist group ISIL, Department of Justice officials said Wednesday.
The pilot project will “bring together important Minnesota law enforcement, religious, and community leaders to expand outreach to Minnesotans,” according to Sen. Al Franken’s office, which has urged the Obama administration to deliver additional resources to Minnesota.
Two men with Minnesota ties were killed fighting for ISIL, or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, in the Middle East.
Rep. Keith Ellison, a Democrat who represents Minneapolis, has also encouraged administration officials to work with the Somali community because they can be allies in identifying vulnerable young people who can become radicalized, he said.
US Attorney for Minnesota Andy Luger, issued a statement late Wednesday:
“The Somali community in Minneapolis and St. Paul will benefit greatly from the additional resources we expect to receive as part of the pilot program,” he said. “Our Somali friends deserve to prosper in Minnesota in peace and security, and this program seeks to make that happen, and create a blueprint for the country for how to prevent the radicalization of vulnerable youth.”