Minnesota Stakes Its Claim To Be Steve Sailer Content Generator Of The Decade
By Steve Sailer
Earlier (2021): NYT: Minnesota Is A Progressive Place, So What’s The Matter With Minnesota’s Blacks?
The Upper Midwest used to be associated in the public mind with a slightly boring level of competence and functionality. For example, from the opening page of A Confederacy of Dunces:
Was it possible to repair the machine in New Orleans? Probably so. However, it might have to be sent to some place like Milwaukee or Chicago or some other city whose name Ignatius associated with efficient repair shops and permanently smoking factories.
Perhaps the most low-profile state of all was smoothly functioning Minnesota. But, lately, Minnesota has gone all out to edge ahead of Wisconsin as an iSteve Content Generator. Just this week, to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of George Floyd, they’ve taken bold new steps into Intended and Unintended Consequences:
The omnibus public safety bill included like 10+ important criminal justice reforms at once. JLWOP abolition. DA initiated resentencing. Felony murder reform. Clemency reform. Caps on probation terms. Free prison phone calls. Funds for victims. Voting rights restored. Etc. https://t.co/pKAeVowF57
— David Menschel (@davidminpdx) May 23, 2023