
Miranda Devine On THE FALL OF MINNEAPOLIS: Injustice Perfidy, And "A Ruthless Political Operation"

By John Derbyshire


I have a burr under my saddle about the prosecution and the fantastically long sentences handed out to white people involved in the deaths of black troublemakers: Derek Chauvin and his colleagues for the death of George Floyd and the Brunswick Three for the death of Ahmaud Arbery, both in 2020.

The verdicts in all these cases seem to me highly dubious — just brazenly political, in fact. The sentences are vindictive and cruel.

A friend I discussed this with said these so-called trials were just legalized lynchings. I disagreed. Lynchings — 27 percent of which were of white people, remember — happened in small rural districts where everyone knew who the no-goods were. Some high proportion — I’d guess it was a very high proportion — of lynch victims were guilty of the thing they were lynched for.

Derek Chauvin was no way guilty of murder. A guy committing murder does not look the way Chauvin looked in those pictures at the scene. He got a 22½-year state sentence regardless; then, with the usual double-jeopardy twist, 21 years on federal charges.

Monday this week the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal from Chauvin on the state charge. They didn’t give us any reason why they refused the appeal. He has a separate appeal pending on the federal charges.

Roddie Bryan, one of the Brunswick Three, who did nothing to anybody, got a life sentence from the state and 35 years on double jeopardy. That’s not justice; that’s flagrant anti-white malice …

And so on. Don’t get me started.

I therefore read with interest Miranda Devine’s column in the New York Post the other day about the Floyd case.

She is actually writing about a new crowdfunded documentary movie, The Fall of Minneapolis, which exposes what Miranda calls “a shocking tale of injustice and perfidy, and a ruthless political operation.”

Further quote:

The film was produced by Liz Collin, a former anchor at a CBS affiliate in the Twin Cities who was taken off air during the riots and demoted because her husband, Bob Kroll, was the Minneapolis police union chief at the time.
New film gives reel truth in the face of George Floyd lies, November 20, 2023

The film is an hour and a half long, and can be watched free on Rumble:

If you don’t have time to watch it, please at least read Miranda Devine’s New York Post column online.

“Wake up, it says. Remember. Look at the truth and hang your head in shame a little that you allowed yourself to be fooled.” @nypost reviews #TheFallOfMinneapolis https://t.co/5NIEitTDOw

— Liz Collin (@lizcollin) November 20, 2023

Our justice system is quite seriously rotten; she describes some of the worst of it, the parts that stink to high Heaven.

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