Missing The Point Of The Ground Zero Mosque — Muslims Do Not Have This Goal
To read much more of Dan Senor’s article on the Ground Zero Mosque than the first paragraph, you're supposed to be a subscriber to the WSJ, but I’m not bothering.
As soon as I saw the subhead, "The location undermines the goal of interfaith understanding", I was able to say "Does not get it!" Muslims do not have the goal of interfaith understanding. This is a strictly Western concept. Muslims want to dominate.
An Open Letter on the Ground Zero Mosque The location undermines the goal of interfaith understanding.BY DAN SENOR
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo are locked into their position on the plan to build a mosque and Muslim community center–the Cordoba House–at Ground Zero. They maintain there are no security risks posed by the project and that this is simply an issue of religious expression. The Lower Manhattan Community Board, after holding hearings, recommended against halting the project.[More(Subscriber link)]