
Mitch McConnell Shown Posing In The ’90s With Confederate Flag Endorsed By Morris Dees In 1989

By James Fulford


As we noted here in 2015 (see Morris Dee’s Heritage, Nikki Haley’s Political Expediency) SPLC hate entrepreneur Morris Dees, a native himself of the Southland, said that “The Confederate Flag that’s flying over that capital today [I. E. the Alabama State Legislature] is just as much a part of my heritage as Dr. King’s March down 6th Avenue.”

You can watch him say it here, and you can read more about it on the Daily Caller’s website here.

Now, I’m not saying that Kentuckian Mitch McConnell was only posing in front of a Confederate Flag at an SCV gathering because it was endorsed by Dees.

I have never understood how McConnell has managed to dodge this photo. Look at that smile.

— Adam Jentleson (@AJentleson) February 2, 2019
Huck And Tom

No, the 1990s were a time of less hate for white Southerners. Believe it or not, the Democratic Party put two white male Southerners in the White House.

Here’s a piece of memorabilia from one of their campaign events:


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