
Moderation In The Defense Of Diversity Is No Virtue

By Steve Sailer


Zach Goldberg’s Twitter account (@ZachG932) does a lot of interesting deep dives into survey research:

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Young (18-34) whites exhibit the lowest in-group bias of any racial/ethnic group, while white liberals are the only demographic to register a pro-outgroup bias (#whiteguilt)

Somewhat relatedly, a clear majority of young white libs and dems think that a majority-minority America would “strengthens the country”, while a majority of mods, indeps, reps and cons say that it ‘doesn’t make a difference.’

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Interestingly, the big young white conservative vs. young white liberal disagreement is over whether the coming “majority minority” population “Doesn’t make much difference” versus “Strengthens the country.”

Agnosticism on Diversity is hateful. Only true believers are acceptable.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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