The NYT has an editorial suggesting that First Lady Laura Bush, whom they refer to as "the most powerful librarian in the world " devote herself to pushing libraries, with a reference to the situation in Salinas, where, as Joe Guzzardi pointed out in this space, they almost had to close the public libraries because of (immigration driven) funding problems.
There’s no mention of the budget-busting immigration invasion in Salinas or anywhere else.
Then the NYT says this:
As globalization takes hold, American workers have more competition than ever before from well-educated, hard-working people in places like India and China. For the United States to maintain its standing and its standard of living, it needs to make a greater commitment to books, literacy training, materials on English as a second language, and all of the other services libraries provide. [An Issue for the First Lady, April 8, 2005]
Actually, American workers have competition from uneducated but hardworking immigrants, not in India or China, but in Salinas.
And if the "the most powerful librarian in the world" could convince her husband to do something about the unguarded border, the library in Salinas would have more money, and less demand for literacy and ESL services.