
More Attention To The Effects Of World Population Growth Is Needed In 2019

By Brenda Walker


I’ve decided as my (doable!) New Years Resolution to emphasize world population growth more going forward because it increasingly is driving issues in America and beyond in a negative way.

Excessive population growth used to be a topic among environmentalists, but now you rarely hear it mentioned. For example, today’s politically correct Sierra Clubbers would never dream of telling a Congolese woman not to have six children (the average) particularly if she can’t feed them because it’s so much easier to talk about diverse hiking.

In general, when a gradual problem is perceived to have become unsolvable or is just too prickly, it may disappear from the public debate menu.

Today, the world population counter shows nearly 7.7 billion persons. That figure is a doubling of the number of earth’s residents in 1972, 3.9 billion. A lot of Americans can remember 1972, when Richard Nixon was president and the Watergate break-in occurred, eventually destroying that presidency. So the world population is growing more rapidly than has been seen before.

Here’s the history and projected future:

Here’s another important chart:

Good news and bad news are revealed in these trends. First, population growth is happening in the Third World, so there is less resource use and pollution. But these are the same people who see First World affluence on television and want to come here and get some. (Sparkly media portrayals usually don’t include America’s poverty and homelessness.)

Sadly, illegal immigration is just too easy now, something many Americans voted against in 2016. Foreigners desiring a “better life” with lots of free stuff (funded by hard-working taxpayers) can just hop a train or join a well-funded leftist caravan headed north to the Open Borders America. A few decades ago, some Latin Americans engaged in revolution to reform their own countries — remember Castro’s Cuba? Che? but there’s no urge to self-determination of that sort now.

None of the foreign moochers mind that illegal immigration is theft and shows little patriotism for their homelands. It was odd to see the Honduran invaders flying their flag on their long trek, perhaps as a sign to show they hadn’t totally abandoned their homeland. (Not to worry: Hondurans sent $4.3 billion in remittances home in 2017.)

Speaking of the population explosion, the number of Hondurans has quadrupled since 1960.

Climate change is a major environmental problem these days according to the media — the topic is conveniently vague, plus it can be blamed on America even though Red China emits more carbon from burning fossil fuels than the United States and Europe combined.

Many times when climate change is brought up as a being the cause of a problem, a major factor is extreme population growth. For example, reports on the recent drought in Cape Town South Africa (Drought-Stricken Cape Town Limits Water to 13 Gallons Daily) usually overlooked the city’s growth from 800,000 residents in 1960 to 4.1 million in 2015 — that’s quite an increase in water users.

To the billions of poor around the planet, America is the Welfare Office to the World, and we taxpaying citizens exist to serve them. Foreign moochers don’t think of themselves as invaders at all: they believe we need their cheap labor to maintain our luxurious lifestyle.

Actually, we don’t need unskilled workers at all, since smart machines will be performing nearly all of the basic tasks very soon. In fact, the technology revolution of robots, automation and artificial intelligence make immigration obsolete in America’s future economy, something Washington should notice.

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