
More Black Trump Supporters Running Amok, Not Only Attacking Asians But Shooting Lady Gaga’s Dogwalker

By Steve Sailer


Earlier: Everything Bad That Blacks Do, Like Knock Over Old Asians, Will be Blamed On Trump and/or Covid Forever

Black Trump fanatics are out of control. First they are beating up elderly Asians, now they are dognapping Lady Gaga’s French bulldogs as retribution for Gaga singing at Biden’s inauguration. From the Daily Mail:

FBI investigates whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga’s bulldogs was politically motivated because she sang at Biden’s inauguration

The FBI is reportedly probing whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga’s bulldogs was politically motivated

Source claimed it could be politically motivated since she sang at President Joe Biden’s inauguration

The revelation that Gaga’s dogs could have been ‘stolen for ransom’ comes just hours after horrifying video showed the moment her dog’s walker, Ryan Fischer, was shot in the chest in Los Angeles on Wednesday night

It’s currently unclear whether Gaga’s dogs were specifically targeted, but French bulldogs are in high demand and can sell for as much as $10,000 if they have pedigree lineage

Gaga, 34, is offering a $500,000 reward for the safe return of Gustav and Koji ‘no questions asked’


PUBLISHED: 23:48 EST, 25 February 2021 | UPDATED: 01:46 EST, 26 February 2021

French bulldogs are for people like Lady Gaga who aren’t quite committed enough to buy English bulldogs. They want to go whole hog and be English bulldog owners, but then they pay attention to their accountants telling them to compromise and settle for French bulldogs.

As a child, the future singer scored high enough on the SAT that she was invited to the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. Other attendees include Terrence Tao, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew Yang, and Ronan Farrow.

From Entertainment Tonight Canada:

Police describe the suspects as “a male Black, 20-25 years of age, blond dreadlocks, wearing a black hoodie, and armed with a semi-automatic handgun” and the second suspect as “a male Black, 20-25 years of age, wearing dark clothing.”

The last time my wife and I were in this neighborhood in West Hollywood, it seemed safe, but then a huge black homeless guy on a bicycle started hassling her for money, so we had to get out fast.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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