More Flop Sweat: Sen. Robert Menendez Thinks Amnesty/ Immigration Surge Doesn’t Have Enough Votes To Pass The Senate

By James Fulford


More Flop Sweat — or maybe the Gang of Ocho just want Zuckerberg to feed the meter. From The Hill:

Menendez: Immigration bill doesn’t have votes to pass Senate
By Jonathan Easley — 05/24/13 04:46 PM ET

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) said Friday that the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill doesn’t have enough votes to pass the Senate.

The bill won approval from the Senate Judiciary Committee in a 13-5 vote, but Menendez said it lacks the 60 votes necessary to clear the Senate — despite the bill’s four Republican co-sponsors.[More]

Menendez thinks he'll need a supermajority to get it through the Senate, possibly worried about filibusters, and he’s dreaming of superdupermajority (70 votes) in order to help get it through the House:

Supporters of the bill are pushing for a strong bipartisan vote of 70 or more to put pressure on the House to take up the legislation.

That would make it look bipartisan:

I want to have a good vote in the Senate so we send the message that the Republicans and the Democrats are together in favor of immigration reform.”

The reality is that he may not even have 51 votes — McCain-Kennedy didn’t.

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