More Hate Hoax Hysteria — 2016 Racist Graffiti In Michigan Done By Black Guy
By Steve Sailer
From the Washington Post last September:
Protesters at Eastern Michigan march on field to protest racist graffiti on campusBy Marissa Payne September 24, 2016
A group of protesters took to Eastern Michigan’s football field on Friday night following the team’s 27-24 victory over Wyoming. The protest came after racist graffiti was found on campus earlier this week.
From the Washington Post last October:
More racist graffiti shakes up a collegeBy Susan Svrluga October 31, 2016
Racist graffiti targeting black people was found spray-painted on the outside of a classroom building Monday morning at Eastern Michigan University, a school that has already had protests after slurs were found on campus in September.
From the Washington Post this week :
African American man charged with anti-black graffiti that shook Eastern Michigan UniversityBy Fred Barbash October 24 at 2:42 AM
Last fall and in the spring, the otherwise quiet campus of Eastern Michigan University was hit by three ugly incidents of vandalism targeting blacks that rocked the community….
“It really has rocked our community,” Judith Kullberg, an EMU political scientist and president of the faculty senate told The Washington Post. “In this whole context of a very tense presidential election it has raised anxiety here considerably.”
In the spring, a third racist message was left in a men’s restroom stall.
Coming as other campuses were being hit by similar acts of what appeared to be hate vandalism, the incidents sparked protests and made national news.
On Tuesday, the university was shaken again when police announced that a 29-year-old black man, a former student, had been charged with all three crimes.
… Campus police noted that they had committed more than 1,080 hours of time to investigating the incidents, with the help of the FBI and the Michigan State Police, among others.