
More Illegal Aliens Getting Free Kidneys

By Federale


It’s not just in California where illegal aliens are getting advanced medical treatment that they could get in their home of Mexico. (h/t again to author W.R. Flynn. Buy his new book here) Illinois is also giving out American kidneys to illegal aliens who should be deported and get their new kidney in Mexico.

Chicago Tribune by Michael Holtz

Illegal Immigrant Gets Kidney

As an illegal immigrant, Jorge Mariscal waited eight years for a kidney transplant he feared would never come.

His persistence paid off Thursday when he underwent the procedure at Loyola University Medical Center.

After years of uncertainties, Mariscal said he’s excited about his future and grateful for the help he received. But he remains frustrated with a health care system that he worries might leave out an untold number of illegal immigrants in need of lifesaving treatments.

"Why can’t we be treated the same?" he asked while sitting in his hospital room. "Health care should be a human right, not a privilege. At least give us the chance to fight for our lives with dignity."

Well, Jorge, if that’s your real name. Why isn’t healthcare a human right in Mexico? Why are you here? Because you can get it free here? Most likely. In Mexico he would have had to pay for it.

And it gets worse. More saw the example and converged on the free welfare healthcare:

Landaverde said that after the strike, in addition to Mariscal’s treatment at Loyola, the University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center agreed to evaluate Lorenzo Arroyo, another illegal immigrant, for a possible liver transplant. Rush University Medical Center also placed Arroyo’s brother, Elfego, on a transplant waiting list. Both brothers suffer from primary amyloidosis, a genetic liver disease.

And not a single question from our intrepid scribbler about why the government of Mexico does not consider healthcare a right.

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