More Immigrants "In The Shadows" And Praise-Hungry Pastors Preening For The Media — This Time In Texas

By James Kirkpatrick


For people who are supposed to be hiding "in the shadows," illegals are awfully cavalier about advertising their contempt for American laws. Take one Francisco Cordova, who is "openly defying a deportation order to return to Mexico." [Religious Leaders Tired Of Waiting for Immigration Reform, by Andrea Lucia, CBS DFW, October 6, 2014] Mr. Cordova is the subject of an adoring puff piece precisely because everyone involved in the story — from Cordova, to the moral preening religious leaders, to the reporters — knows there is no danger of the Obama Administration actually enforcing American laws.

Of course, Cordova is not acting alone. He is being given "sanctuary" by an entire network of religious organizations loudly advertising themselves for media approval. It is called the Coalition of Faiths. As the article cheerfully notes,

Nationwide dozens of religious organizations have taken advantage of the policy; offering sanctuary to immigrants. Locally, the Coalition of Faiths is organizing the effort and actively seeking hosts in North Texas.

“If churches in Dallas start participating in this movement it will be a real proclamation of the Gospel,” said Pastor Owen Ross.

Ann Coulter noted in her controversial (and accurate) column explaining American pastors and their Third World fetish that the root cause was hunger for media approval. Evangelizing to a fallen United States of America will bring nothing but social opprobrium and condemnation from the chattering classes. She continued,

Which explains why American Christians go on “mission trips” to disease-ridden cesspools. They’re tired of fighting the culture war in the U.S., tired of being called homophobes, racists, sexists and bigots. So they slink off to Third World countries, away from American culture to do good works, forgetting that the first rule of life on a riverbank is that any good that one attempts downstream is quickly overtaken by what happens upstream.

However, I'd like to addend Kirkpatrick’s Corollary to Coulter’s explanation. When American pastors do try to evangelize within the nominal borders of the United States, it is to Third World communities because they will receive the same kind of media praise and adoration that they would if they had gone to Africa or Latin America.

Take Pastor Owen, who believes that proclaiming the Gospel is less about proclaiming the Gospel and more about making sure Americans are dispossessed from their own country. His ministry advertises itself as a "vibrant and diverse bilingual congregation," part of the North Texas Conference’s mission to the "Spanish speaking immigrant community."

Ironically, Pastor Ross’s organization has a video talking about how overcrowded, crime-ridden, and riddled with vice this community actually is. If one wanted to help the community, one would think that stopping the endless waves of illegals, creating a tight labor market, promoting assimilation, and fighting self-destructive multiculturalism would be a better approach.

However, social problems aren’t a bug, but a feature for the managerial class. The more problems that are created, the more money and resources can be directed towards activists and experts to solve them. The more condemnation and guilt can be dumped on the historic American nation. And the more media praise can be directed towards churches that are eager to help the Third World invade the First, but noticeably reluctant to actually help believing Christians being martyred in the Middle East.

To come back to Mr. Cordova, we know he is supposed to be deported. It’s too much to ask Obama to do his job, but what about Rick Perry, who so desperately wants to President? Any response, Governor?

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