More Light at The Christian Science Monitor?

By Peter Brimelow


In March, we noted that the Christian Science Monitor appeared to have become the first establishment media outlet to take note of evidence visible in the payroll and household surveys that immigrants have been taking most of the recent job growth. Most of the work on this subject was originated on by Ed Rubenstein.

Apparently interest in the subject lurks on in the newspaper’s editorial corridors. [Teens may be the last to get summer jobs, By Sara B Miller June 2, 2005 ] vividly states the consequences but rather mumbles as to the cause:

“Last summer, the teen employment rate was the lowest since 1948, with only 36 percent of those ages 16 to 19 holding jobs, down from 45 percent in 2000. This year…the latest forecast by Northeastern University’s Center for Labor Market Studies in Boston shows no budge in the overall summer employment rate.”

Not so the story editor, who pulled it right up in the sub-head:

Economy improves, but employers are hiring immigrants or retirees

Encouragingly, however, the story does note:

There are some bright signs in the teen job market…Demand is particularly high in tourist-heavy areas, such as Cape Cod, where employers found themselves shut out of a seasonal worker visa program earlier this year

Congratulation, VDARE’s Joe Guzzardi, who made a personal crusade of precisely this issue.

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