More Minority Judges = Less Justice For Whites
Obama gloats with Sotomayor: Minority Occupation Government in action!
Yesterday AP broke the happy news: Obama increases number of female, minority judges Jesse J. Holland Houston Chronicle Tuesday September 13, 2011
"President Barack Obama is moving at a historic pace to try to diversify the nation’s federal judiciary: Nearly three of every four people he has gotten confirmed to the federal bench are women or minorities. He is the first president who hasn’t selected a majority of white males for lifetime judgeships.More than 70 percent of Obama’s confirmed judicial nominees during his first two years were "non-traditional," or nominees who were not white males…
"It’s really amazing," said Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond who wrote about the increasing diversity on the federal bench during Obama’s administration in an article in the Washington University Law Review. "Obama has nominated as many as were sitting on the bench when he was inaugurated." "
The White House is so pleased with itself over this it has set up a page on its website partly headlined Creating A Judicial Pool that Resembles the Nation It Serves
Considering that a proportion of the white men will be Jewish and at least one of the others is homosexual – J. Paul Oetken, who appears to be of German Christian extraction — what this means is that straight men who are like the Founding Fathers are effectively being excluded from the Federal bench.
What it means for justice to have Judges chosen for tribal identification and and usually lacking the Anglo-Saxon judicial heritage happened to be well illustrated yesterday:
"Montgomery Circuit Court Judge Marielsa Bernard’s abrupt dismissal last month of a lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch against Montgomery College’s Board of Trustees for granting discounted tuition to illegal immigrants is not the end of the discussion. Judicial Watch plans to appeal the ruling…The Judicial Watch case was not even on Bernard’s docket when she inappropriately intervened and took it away from another judge to whom it had been assigned. A founding member of the Hispanic Bar Association with close ties to CASA de Maryland, a tax-funded advocacy group for illegal immigrants, Bernard ruled that the three plaintiffs — all Montgomery County taxpayers — had no legal standing to sue … " [Montgomery College tuition case is just heating up By Barbara Hollingsworth, September 13, 2011]
(My emphasis. Note Bernard resorted to invoking a technicality to avoid facing the merits of the case)
Those fortunate enough not to have been in litigation recently will not appreciate the extent to which “justice” has already become a process of Minority prejudice, and horse trading between the empowered groups.
Interestingly, Judge Marielsa Bernard, like another Professional Hispanic Linda Chavez, has married out of the community, in her case to a divorce lawyer, Paul J Reinstein.
That quite likely intensified her anti-White American animosity.