More "No Arrests At Courthouses" Nonsense — This Time It’s Non-Hispanic Sabotage At ICE
By Federale
So, the #LyingPress is concerned that my identification of corruption and sabotage in the Department of Homeland Security is racist. Brandon Rittiman thinks "Hispanics" are a race. [See KUSA’s Rittiman Queried Tom Tancredo On And Border Patrol Corruption — Claims To Want Facts, Here Are Some (More)] Hispanics are not a race, as decreed by official policy of the Federal government, e.g. the Bureau of Census and the Office of Management and Budget.
Hispanic or Latino and Not Hispanic or Latino. Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before their arrival in the United States. People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race.
Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin: 2010, By Karen R. Humes, Nicholas A. Jones, and Roberto R. Ramirez, Bureau of Census, March 2011
The Whitest Of White Hispanics
Another Very White Hispanic
So, since the very white Franciso Franco is Hispanic, you can’t be racist against Hispanics, unless you are racist against whatever race they are. But in the interests of racial comity, I will expose a white DHS employee for sabotage and misconduct. Not because he is white, but because he appears to be sabotaging immigration enforcement in the Denver area.
Jeffrey Lynch, Pulling A David Marin?
The suspect is Jeffrey Lynch, Acting Field Office Director (FOD) for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). The fun thing about the following breathless exposé is that the Cultural Marxist reporter thought he was exposing misconduct that was detrimental to illegal aliens, but ended up exposing an ICE employee working to restrict the arrests of illegal aliens. Smooth move.
Matthew Keller didn’t notice the undercover ICE agents until they had his client, Antonio García, in handcuffs. As soon as he realized what was happening, the attorney with the Meyer Law Firm pulled out his cell phone and started filming the arrest, which occurred on May 5.
“Do you guys have a warrant?” Keller asked the three ICE agents — two men and one woman — as they escorted García to an unmarked gray SUV parked in front of the Lindsey Flanigan Courthouse in Denver.
ICE Courthouse Busts 10X Higher Than City Knew, by Chris Walker, Westworld, September 19, 2017
Shocking — an immigration attorney is concerned that his criminal illegal alien client was arrested for being in the United States illegally. But this attorney, shocked as he is at arrests of illegal aliens, is even more shocked that the arrests are a violation of the Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty for criminal illegal aliens.
The saga of arrests at courthouses has been going on for years, and the intrepid attorney actually found the official Obama Regime policy for courthouse arrests, and basically it was "Don’t arrest anyone at courthouses except Al-Qaeda terrorists and convicted felons."
What Keller didn’t know when García was apprehended was that the ICE agents involved may have been breaking Immigration and Customs Enforcement policy with regard to making courthouse arrests. Nor did Keller know just how often courthouse arrests like the one he was witnessing are happening in Denver and surrounding jurisdictions including Adams, Jefferson and Arapahoe counties.
Westword recently obtained 29 pages of internal ICE documents through a Freedom of Information Act request. The documents (published in full at the bottom of this article) show that ICE still makes its agents review and sign a protocol concerning courthouse arrests, even though Trump’s executive order effectively loosened rules agency-wide. The FOIA documents include a memo sent by the acting director at ICE’s Denver field office, Jeffrey Lynch, detailing how courthouse arrests should focus on four categories of undocumented persons: “aliens engaged in or suspected of terrorism or espionage,” “aliens convicted of an offense for which an element was active participation in a criminal street gang,” “aliens convicted of an offense classified as a felony in the convicting jurisdiction” and “aliens convicted of an ‘aggravated felony,’ as that term is defined in [immigration law].” Lynch’s directive, sent to his top-level officers on May 12 (seven days after Garcia’s arrest), is based on guidelines from a November 2014 memo issued by former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson.
It appears that Acting FOD Jeffrey Lynch got that memo, but forgot about the memo from then Secretary John Kelly that the Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty was over. Lynch, either on his own authority, running his own Administrative Amnesty like David Marin, or at the order of some higher up, the article is not clear, appears to want to restrict arrests at courthouses, issuing instructions to his Deportation Officers to follow the Jeh Johnson rules, not those of Trump Administration.
Curiously, the Deportation Officers (DO) seem to have been ignoring Lynch’s orders. The emails in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release appear to have some DOs and Supervisory DOs asking pointed questions, since at some point the Obama policy went away, but Lynch seems to be bringing it back, which would be a point of contention with the union representing the officers.
So, for the record, this blog criticizes all saboteurs and #DeepState bureaucrats, whether anonymous or identified, regardless of race or Hispanicness, as defined by the Census, who are engaged in undermining immigration law enforcement.
In his incompetence or mendacity, Lynch has made the work of Deportation Officers more difficult and appears to have threatened disciplinary action if officers don’t follow his amnesty program. So concerned were the officers that they responded with obvious questions that Lynch apparently was dismayed by.
On May 12, one ICE employee wrote: “First and foremost, I would like to have a specific, written definition of ‘At or Near.’ That’s way too nebulous as it stands.”
In the same email chain, another officer wrote: “Can there be a clarifying statement to this new policy that will protect those officers making a probation arrest in a location where the court and probation are co-located?”
Lynch’s actions and ill advised memorandum to Deportation Officers has emboldened the Treason Bar, and they are looking to use his amnesty memorandum as the basis to file lawsuits against ICE to stop courthouse arrests.
Courthouse arrests may come to a head, and not just because of ICE’s inconsistencies following its own protocols. With local officials such as Hancock and powerful legal authorities across the nation, including California’s chief justice, asking for the practice to stop, Gonzales and Meyer believe it’s time for the judiciary to decide on the issue …
Even before he reviewed the FOIA documents, Keller says he was going to challenge García’s arrest. “We were ready to dig in and fight his case,” he says.
This writer warned about this campaign by the Treason Bar and Kritarchs seeking to make their own immigration policy, and ICE appears to be handing them weapons in this conflict. Time for DHS and the Department of Justice to make Federal supremacy in the immigration area abundantly clear to State officials, executive or judicial, who are seeking to interfere. Some timely arrests might be in order.