More Nursing Home Rape Of Helpless Women By Immigrants: This Time, The Elderly
01/25/2019 has picked up my column In KILL BILL, White Rednecks Raped A Comatose Woman. In Real Life, All Known Offenders Against Comatose Women Are Black, and commenter Triumph104 has come up with a useful reminder of a very similar phenomenon, commenting
In 2017, CNN wrote a harrowing series on rapes in nursing homes. The profiled convicted rapists were all nursing assistants: Andrew Merzwski (white), Antonio Nieto (black Hispanic), George Kpingbah (black Liberian), and Luis Gomez (white Hispanic). Ann Coulter said that Antonio Nieto needed a Spanish interpreter at trial.
Right to Left: Andrew Merzwski (white), Antonio Nieto (black Hispanic), George Kpingbah (black Liberian)
The CNN series he’s referring to is Sick, dying and raped in America’s nursing homes, by Blake Ellis and Melanie Hicken, February 22, 2017
Nursing assistant Parkpoom Seesangrit (Thai) was convicted of raping a patient. Although he needed an interpreter at trial, Coulter described him as an anchor baby. Masslive reported him saying that he earned a degree from the University of Massachusetts in electrical engineering, but Coulter and other sources, including Masslive, said that Seesangrit attended American International College in Springfield, MA, which sounds more plausible.
He’s referring to this column — Ann Coulter: Teddy Kennedy’s Surprise For Grandma — Immigrants Who Rape The Elderly, April 25, 2018.
He adds
Just to clarify, the women that these men were convicted of raping were elderly and incapacitated but none were comatose or in a vegetative state. It would appear that the rape of a woman in a vegetative state is only discovered if the woman becomes pregnant.
Here are three immigrant rapists from Ann Coulter’s column.
Antonio Nieto
In 2013, Antonio Nieto (right) a certified nursing assistant, was convicted of sexually assaulting patients in a nursing home. The staff didn’t believe the first victim, a 59-year-old woman, who was considered a complainer for objecting to the facility’s oppressive anti-smoking rules. This allowed two more female patients to be sexually assaulted by Nieto, one 73 years old, and the other 93. (Always believe the smoker!)
Nieto needed a Spanish translator at trial. Don’t say Third World immigrants aren’t creating jobs!
Parkpoom Seesangrit
Twenty-four-year-old Parkpoom Seesangrit, (right) an anchor baby, was a student at the American International College in Springfield, Massachusetts, when he was arrested in May 2014 for raping a 69-year-old dementia patient at the nursing home where he worked.
When caught by a nurse, he said, "I am sorry. I know it looks bad. I am in trouble." He later claimed he was merely changing the victim’s diaper when he slipped and "digitally penetrated her." He admitted to slipping on another occasion when he was taking the same patient to the bathroom.
Seesangrit was convicted and sentenced to six to eight years in prison. He needed a Thai interpreter at trial. (Immigration SAVES taxpayers money!)
Also from Ann Coulter’s column, a slightly different case, since while the man pled guilty to attacking a wheelchair bound elderly woman, it’s not clear that he was officially her caregiver:
Last month, 23-year-old Ghanaian immigrant Fode Doukoure (left) pleaded guilty to raping a 74-year-old woman.The first time, he merely fondled the wheelchair-bound woman. The second time, he doused her in pepper spray, then held an anesthesia-soaked rag over her mouth, knocking her out for about an hour. When the woman awoke, her hands were bound and her underwear was on backward.
What makes that significant is that when Doukoure took a plea deal which allowed him to get out with time served (16 months) everyone, especially his defense attorney, seemed concerned that this might actually result in his deportation to his native Ghana. [Deportation looms for man who admitted drugging, molesting 74-year-old West Shore woman, By Matt Miller, PennLive, March 19, 2018]
And remember, one thing people who opposed deporting illegals keep saying is "Who will care for the elderly?"