
More On Juries

By Steve Sailer


A lawyer writes:

As a basic rule, a prosecutor’s ideal juror is a conservative white person without a college degree. They're generally pro-prosecution, but unlike conservative, educated white people, they're not smart enough to sniff out a bogus prosecution. Liberal, educated white people can go either way — it depends a lot on the case. On some crimes, they're a prosecutor’s nightmare, but on, say, DWI, they're generally favorable. And, if you're talking about liberal, educated white women, they can be a defense attorney’s nightmare in something like the Scott Peterson case (or a rape case.)
A defense attorney’s ideal juror is poor, uneducated, and a minority — i.e., somebody who will probably sympathize with the defendant. Also, while uneducated white people aren’t smart enough to sniff out the b.s. that a prosecutor feeds them, uneducated minorities tend to go the same way for the defense — they'll believe almost any alternative theory that the defense attorney feeds them, no matter how bogus it might seem to a smarter person..

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