I asked one of VDARE’s friends for a sketch of Maryland’s Montgomery County, now rebelling against illegal immigration and official complaisancy: he replied
It used to be extremely affluent and almost lily white 30 years ago. Huge Jewish population (Chertoff is from Potomac in the county) and a large number of very educated Roman Catholics. Think of Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Potomac.Now it has a huge number of Hispanics in places like Wheaton, Silver Spring, and Takoma Park. I believe Takoma Park is a sanctuary city.
Now the county is overrun by illegals.
President George W. Bush has just said that the Republican Party, which he has led to catastrophe, should be "open-minded about big issues like immigration reform", by which he means closed-mindedly in favor of amnesty. In fact, of course, a truly open-minded party would move to give expression to Montgomery County’s distress. With Bush off the scene, maybe this can finally happen. (Thanks, RC).