
More On Reconquista DJ Eddie "Piolin" Sotelo Falsifying Letters In 2007 — This Seems To Have Been Unlucky For Everyone Involved

By James Fulford


More details of this accusation against Eddie "Piolin" Sotelo:

That letter [a lawyer’s letter obtained by the Times] also contains Cortez’s claims about falsifying letters. According to Cortez, after the immigration reform drive fell well short of garnering the 1 million letters that Sotelo had pledged to deliver, Sotelo ordered his staffers to "clandestinely photocopy letters so that it would appear as if he had gathered 1 million signatures." Clayton writes that Cortez "initially refused but was told in no uncertain terms that the team needed to comply."

In June 2007, Sotelo traveled to Washington, D.C., to present the letters to a congressional delegation composed of Sens. Edward Kennedy, Mel Martinez, Robert Menendez and Arlen Specter, as well as members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

'Piolin' Sotelo, Univision parting follows harassment allegations, By Reed Johnson and Meg James, July 29, 2013. Emphasis added.

Here’s a contemporary report of that trip: Popular disc jockey goes to Washington with 1 million letters, AP, June 11, 2007.

Those "million signatures" seem to have been bad luck.

Since then, Kennedy has died, Mel Martinez has resigned his Senate seat to cash in as a lobbyist, Arlen Specter switched parties, was defeated in a primary, and died, and Robert Menendez narrowly escaped prosecution over his sexual conduct. And now El Piolin has lost his job!

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