
More On Refugee Resettlement And The Vietnamese Gunman

By James Fulford


Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch posts this:

American Civic Association: Tragic shooting at refugee resettlement agency

Posted by acorcoran on April 3, 2009

By now you know more details (see our earliest report) on the terrible shooting at a refugee agency, American Civic Association, in Binghamton, NY today. The lone gunman who killed 13 people before taking his own life is tentatively identified as a former Vietnamese refugee, Linh Phat Vung (AP is still referring to him as Jiverly Voong)*. As the evening progresses and in the days ahead we will find out who he is and what made this man snap. Right now the speculation is that he was recently fired from his job and that might have pushed him over the edge. But, why shoot other refugees and volunteers?

The American Civic Association is a refugee resettlement office (a volag) that says its purpose is to “aid new immigrant assimililation.” According to this article originally published in 2007, but reprinted today, the agency supplies caseworkers for resettlement and offers legal services to immigrants among many other services.

Although, Fred Trzcinski, a former director says the organization was founded in 1939, its Guidestar report says 1941. Trzcinski says of the mission:

The mission of the American Civic Association is to encourage the spirit of brotherhood among nations and peoples; to sponsor citizenship education; to promote racial, religious and political understanding; to cultivate fellowship between native and naturalized citizens; and to safeguard and defend the Constitution of the United States.


The "fellowship between native and naturalized citizens" isn’t looking so hot right at the moment.

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