
More On Status Hispanicus In The ER

By James Fulford


Some of the stuff from the Wikipedia entry Steve quotes below seems to come from ER Stories, which is a blog about "Shocking, Hilarious, Bizarre, and Sad Tales from the Emergency Room."

Here’s their entry on slang — and here are some quotes about the effects of large scale Hispanic immigration on Emergency Rooms:

7. STATUS HISPANICUS — an offensive but often used term (sometime by other Hispanics) describing a hysterical Hispanic patient (traditionally Puerto-Rican or Dominican — almost never Mexican however). Often screaming “Eye yieye yieye yieye” (see Eye- tach below). A spoof of the medical terms “Status Asthmaticus and Status Epilepticus” describing severe, nonstop asthma attacks or seizures. See below OMD below as well. One of the terms I avoid using.

8. OMD — Oh Mi Duele. Means “Oh I have pain!” in Spanish. A take off on EMD which means “electro-mechanical dissociation” — an serious cardiac rhythm disturbance. Used like “She is going into OMD, give her some Morphine”.

9. Eye — tach- A spoof of V-tach which is short for Ventricular Tachycardia, a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia. Someone goes into Eye-tach from OMD — Eyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye.

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