Movement Conservatism: Lions Led By Sheep
Bob Weissberg, the Dissident Right’s Happy Warrior, has a good piece up at American Thinker today.
Abstract: Movement conservatism is led by pussies.
Leaders on the right generally lack courage, and this deficiency undercuts enthusiasm. Few are inclined to follow a spineless functionary into battle. Alexander the Great explained it perfectly: an army of sheep led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a sheep. I cannot think of a single conservative leader or organization that could be, even slightly, characterized as lion-like “courageous.” Energizing the troops has come to mean enticing big donors to open their wallets.[A Movement Led by Sheep, February 8, 2015]
There are, Bob notes, major political issues — affirmative action, welfare abuse, “disparate impact” baloney, and of course immigration — on which public opinion is strongly conservative, but which mainstream conservative candidates are too timid to touch.
These issues lie there like hundred-dollar bills on the sidewalk, waiting for some conservative candidate to pick them up. Nobody does; and so the Left wins all the arguments by default. Bob:
Chronic cowardice only emboldens the left to bully conservatives. Al Sharpton and company know that the right almost universally has no stomach for being picketed by chanting rent-a-mob demonstrators carrying homemade signs. Think about it: prestigious think-tanks with multi-million-dollar budgets, staffed by dozens of Ph.D.s, totally intimidated by a bunch of semi-literates.
Read the whole thing at American Thinker.