Mrs. DSK’s Last Blog Post: On Immigration
By Steve Sailer
Madame Strauss-Kahn is Ann Sinclair, an American-born French Jewish heiress, whose grandfather was Picasso’s art dealer. She was a popular interview host on French TV. And she has a blog.
Not surprisingly, she hasn’t been updating it lately, so the last entry was commending Obama’s El Paso speech on immigration. (Did Obama get around to mentioning how he wants El Paso to be more like Ciudad Juarez? Probably not.) Via Google Translate:
But Barack Obama did not stop for obstructions multiplied by the Republicans last year, he also denounced the arguments with the stench of racism used by the opposition, which enjoys the challenging economic environment for sordid mix of fear unemployment and abroad because of the stalemate in Congress, "Look at Intel, Google, Yahoo and eBay. [Take a closer look] these large American companies, the sheer number of jobs they have created, the leadership that enabled us to take in high-technology: each of [these firms] was founded by an immigrant."
Yup, El Paso’s a real technology hub.
Yes, there are acts and those who denounce them. There will govern for the better of his country and that of scoring points by killing all initiative and playing one-upmanship. Yes, there are many " do politics "and" have a policy . " Rarely compatible. Obama did yesterday’s demonstration.
The DSKs: they're better than our or me because they hold more sophisticated views on immigration. Actions toward immigrants, not so much, but watch what they say, not what they do.