MS-13 Spotlighted after Quadruple Murders on Long Island

By Brenda Walker


The four male bodies found Wednesday in Suffolk County showed the brutality typical of the MS-13 gang. As a result, some concerned media people in the nearby New York paid attention.

Judge Jeanine Pirro appeared on Fox News Friday morning and reminded viewers that Obama’s permissive immigration policy for Central Americans admitted anyone who made it to the border, and they were redistributed all over this nation. That opening was a big opportunity for gangsters from south of the border, as noted by the judge (Watch):

JUDGE JEANINE: If you recall they came into this country in 2014 under the Obama administration policy of allowing in those from Central America — El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. I was one of those people saying look, as a DA, MS-13 is from El Salvador; they are without a doubt the most violent gang where initiation involves beating someone to death in front of others …

They came into this country, they told Border Patrol — “I’m MS-13, I’m a gang member” — and the Border Patrol could not stop them. They’ve got all of the indicia of being gang members, all the tats, and they have been allowed into this country. The Obama administration flew them all over.

They’re in your school, folks, they are in with your children in school. Now the two young girls who were murdered — and I had the parents on my show Justice a few weeks back — that’s not the last group of parents you’re going to see.

The poison pills from Obama just keep on coming.

And the judge is right when she says MS-13 are big into tats.

Tucker Carlson discussed the gang on Thursday, comparing them with the threat of ISIS on the basis of pure numbers:

TUCKER CARLSON: It’s fair to say, ISIS is the new global gold standard for awfulness, and they are indeed awful. Combine the Orlando, San Bernardino and Chattanooga terror attacks, and the groups is responsible for at least 68 deaths here in the U.S. over just the past three years and that’s bad. On the other hand, it’s nothing compared to MS-13. That organization, a mostly immigrant street gang is a far greater threat to your life than ISIS is. It’s the numbers.

It’s not just the bodies pile up in smaller numbers, and the coverage isn’t as splashy when they’re covered at all, because often they are not. Besides the four killings you just heard about in New York today, there’s Raymond Wood. He’s the Lynchburg teenager apparently murdered and left by the side of the road two weeks ago by a group of MS-13 members. All of them were here illegally, by the way.

There’s Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens, a pair of teenage girls butchered with machetes by MS-13. They’re walking home from school in Brentwood, New York. We could go on and on and on. And in the future editions of the show, we will. But killing is not the end of the problem with MS-13; its members have been caught running child prostitution rings, they’ve been contacted by Mexican drug cartels and paid to run torture operations. And of course, they engage in the usual extortion, drug trafficking and human smuggling.

But unlike ISIS, MS-13 makes it hard to live in certain neighborhoods here in this country. Also unlike ISIS, there are a lot of them. ISIS may have a significant passive support in the U.S. and a lot of a suspect it does, but true active ISIS members — pretty small, maybe a few hundred at most. MS-13, by contrast, has at least 6,000 members, according to the government in this country, and they’re supported by more than 30,000 abroad. Yes, abroad. Because MS-13 is fundamentally a foreign threat.

Now, the administration is using a lot of firepower to defeat insurgents in the Middle East right now, and good for them. But what about the insurgency right down the road from you here in America? Because that’s exactly what it is.

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