
Multiracialism and White Deaths

By Anonymous Attorney


Steve Sailer’s recent post on the hushed-up data about middle-aged white deaths fuels my thinking that as multiracialism engulfs America, the effect on white mental health intensifies.

Cut off from racial "tribe" and isolated from white community, white people are more depressed and more anxious. The more we know about longevity and healthy living, the more we realize that it’s not just McDonald’s, beer and lack of exercise that hurt us — it’s also the lack of the spirit-sustaining human relationships. In fact, living a lonely, purposeless life may be worse for your health than cigarettes and alcohol combined.

Analogize to flowers: to flourish, they need good soil. For white lives to flourish, they need the "good soil" of racially homogenous communities.

Some of this thinking and research is captured in this stand-alone essay on the right of association:

" … in 2004, a writer named Dan Buettner became interested in the topic of longevity. He teamed with National Geographic to find the places on Earth where human beings lived the longest, and identified several he referred to as “blue zones”[26]. Loma Linda, California (home of a community of Seventh-Day Adventists), Okinawa, Japan, and Sardinia, Italy were places where people regularly lived to be 100 …

Socially, their lives had purpose — something to live for. They had routines for shedding stress. They belonged to “faith-based communities”, that is, they had religious belief and gathered for contemplation with other believers. Family was a priority — they lived with multiple generations, caring for aging parents and practicing high investment parenting with children. Finally, in the words of Buettner, they had “right tribe” — supportive networks of people who reinforced the healthy behaviors.

As I watched the documentary on all this, I could not help notice — though it was unstated — the racial homogeneity of all these “blue zones”. The Sardinians were racially southern European, the Okinawans, all Japanese, and the Loma Lindans, white. Every one of the social behaviors contributing to longevity was enhanced by, if not impossible without, racial community."[Right of Association by Christopher Donovan]

Someone really, really needs to study this. I wonder if this is a project for the National Policy Institute or American Renaissance?

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