
Murders Up 139% in Chicago vs. July 2019

By Steve Sailer


From the Chicago Sun-Times:

Chicago sees 139% jump in murders, uptick in shootings in July 2020: police

July saw the largest mass shooting in recent Chicago history, along with at least 58 minors shot.

By Carly Behm Aug 1, 2020, 3:00am CDT

Murders more than doubled last month in Chicago compared to the same month last year, according to new data released by Chicago police.

Shootings also increased compared [sic] July 2019.

Still, police reported that overall crime in the city has decreased so far this year.

Or at least reported overall crime has dropped.

The 105 murders reported in July are a nearly 139% increase from the 44 reported in July 2019, according to police data released Saturday. The 406 shooting incidents last month were a 75% increase from the 232 reported in the same month-to-month comparison.

The Sun-Times reported 106 homicides across the city in July, bringing the total number of homicide cases this year to 430 as of Friday night.

Murders are up 51% from the same point last year, along with a 47% increase in shootings, police said.

Last month, 573 people were shot in the city — at least 58 of them juveniles, including a 9-year-old boy killed by gunfire Friday night as he played outside on the Near North Side, according to Sun-Times records.

Black Lives Matter.

Maybe the NBA being back on TV will lower the number of shootings in August?

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