Muslim Parents Fashion Their Version of ’The Talk’
The daily news of worsening barbarity from Allah’s energetic gangsters is apparently having a negative effect on Americans’ opinion of Muslims residing in the United States — mass beheadings and crucifixions will do that.
Below, ISIS jihadists behead 21 Coptic Christians in Libya.
As a result of blowback from jihad unpleasantries, Muslim parents located here are imparting traditional Islamic supremacism to Mohammed Jr. and little Aisha, teaching them to behave differently because Americans are racist and Islamophobic. Better chill that discussion about headchopping being a proper punishment for non-Allahbots, for example. Muslims are taught that dogs are unclean, but kicking the despised dog of infidel neighbors is also probably a no-no.
A report from Muslim-thick Detroit says that some Islos may tell the kiddies to “downplay their religion” — in other words, “Don’t take your swords to town, son.”
Too bad that Americans are so darn awful! Perhaps Allah’s loyal helpers would be happier living in Islamic lands, which are numerous, diverse and welcoming to the ummah.
Immigrants come to America, and immigrants are free to leave. Islam and America are not a good fit. We like freedom and they like sharia oppression. We believe in gender equality and they approve of the enslavement of women, as directed by the Koran.
Muslim immigration is destroying Europe. America should learn from their catastrophe and realize that all diversity is not equal.
Metro Detroit Muslims have ‘the talk’ with kids about Islamophobia, Fox News Detroit, February 16, 2015When it comes to the tragedy in Chapel Hill, most Americans have probably moved on.
But if you’re a Muslim or part of the Middle Eastern community in America, it’s hard to look away when the victims look like you.
FOX 2: “Was there ever a feeling that those could have been my kids?”
“Of course, instantly,” said Nofila Haider.
Haider is a Muslim and is preparing her daughters Nadeen and Naveen for the likelihood they’ll be viewed with suspicion, treated unfairly or worse because of their religion.
“Unfortunately we have to talk about these things,” she said. “People of different races religions different cultures and I have to tell them some people don’t appreciate people who are different from them.”
The talk is one that Muslims and Middle Eastern parents in America have been having since 9/11 and recently, since Chapel Hill.
“My eldest son in particular, when I told him about it, he was just shaking his head,” Haider said. “And he was like, ‘No one likes us.’“
Black parents like Dawud Walid have been having it for decades. Walid is part of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
“I have two talks with my children,” Walid said. “I have to talk to them about the history of America in terms of systematic and structural racism against black folks and at the same time, in post 9/11 America talking with them in terms of Islamophobia.”
He, like others, cannot help but see the killings of the three Muslim American students as an example of it.
While police maintain the shooting was over a parking space, one would be hard-pressed to find any Arab or Muslim that accepts that explanation.
“It’s so sad that I had to say this but I had to tell my mom to be careful because my mom covers her hair,” Haider said.
Personal injury lawyer Joumana Kayrouz is a Lebanese American Christian who at times is mistaken for a Muslim.
“The root of fear, the root of violence, is really ignorance,” said Kayrouz, a personal injury lawyer.
Her daughters haven’t had the talk because they look white.
“They don’t have an accent,” Kayrouz said. “They look very Americanized and they have very American names or American sounding names and just because of that, they haven’t had to face any discrimination,”
“It’s a fearsome experience. I’m not going to say I wish it upon them so they can grow from it. I’ll be honest with you, as a mother I’m relieved that my daughters don’t have to experience it no question about it.”
Walid and Haider don’t have that privilege but all are praying for the day it won’t be an issue.
“We don’t know enough about Muslims and Middle Easterners and we haven’t made a point of knowing,” Kayrouz said.
In the meantime the suspect from the Chapel Hill killings, Craig Hicks, has been indicted by a grand jury Monday.