Muslim Terrorists In America Convicted — MSM Not Interested
You have to keep a constant lookout for domestic terrorist news in America because nobody in the MSM is interested in covering it nationally. There are local reports, but that’s it. When you add them together, however, the picture is not reassuring that Muslim immigrants come here with friendly intentions. A 2007 Pew Poll of Muslims residing in America showed a jihad-friendly group that is willing to admit its beliefs. For example, 26 percent of young Muslims believe suicide attacks against non-Muslim civilian targets is acceptable.
Here’s a report from today:
3 in Ohio guilty of plot against US troops in IraqAP, June 13, 2008
CLEVELAND (AP) — Three Ohio men were convicted Friday of plotting to recruit and train terrorists to kill American soldiers in Iraq, a case put together with help from a former soldier who posed as a radical bent on violence.
Mohammad Amawi, 28, Marwan El-Hindi, 45, and Wassim Mazloum, 27, face maximum sentences of life in prison. Prosecutors said the men were learning to shoot guns and make explosives while raising money to fund their plans to wage a holy war against U.S. troops.
The federal jury in Toledo returned its verdict after three days of deliberations. U.S. District Judge James G. Carr did not set a sentencing date, said acting U.S. attorney Bill Edwards.
"Today’s verdicts should send a strong message to individuals who would use this country as a platform to plot attacks against U.S. military personnel in Iraq and elsewhere," said Patrick Rowan, acting assistant attorney general for national security, in a written statement. "This case also underscores the need for continued vigilance in identifying and dismantling extremist plots that develop in America’s heartland."
Another case was partially concluded in a plea deal today: Former USF student admits to supporting terrorists. In the photo, Mohamed is seated.
Tampa, Florida — Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed entered a plea agreement Friday.In the court document, he admits to providing material to support terrorists. He also acknowledges that a YouTube video he produced was to be used in "preparation for or in carrying out the killing of employees of the United States," including uniformed personnel.
Mohamed and Youssef Megahed were arrested August 4, 2007, in Goose Creek, South Carolina after a traffic stop. Authorities recovered a number of items from the car which constituted explosive materials.
Megahed remains in custody.
Mohamed faces a maximum sentence of 15 years imprisonment, a $250,000 fine and a term of supervised release.
At the time of the arrest, one misleading story was that the "kids" had "fireworks" in the trunk. The press also printed various protestations from the parents that their upstanding son could never be a terrorist. For example, Father: USF student no terrorist.
"It’s killing me," Samir Megahed said Saturday of the charges against his son. "We have no charge like this in my family for 400 years. It’s killing all my family in Egypt."
But today, when Mohamed admitted his guilt, the press is not as interested.