Muslims and Multiculturalism: "Children Of Natives Lost In A Sea Of Children Of Immigrants"

By Brenda Walker


Here’s a good question from the Christian Science Monitor: How well are American Muslims fitting in? [August 2, 2006]

It comes with some disturbing answers.

At least the article is free of the American exceptionalism that is common in many pieces about Muslims living in the US, that somehow our tradition of assimilation has overcome the Islamic tradition of jihad. When the number of Muslim immigrants living in America hit a critical mass, there will be the same conflict here as in France and Britain.

WASHINGTON — It’s called the "Virginia Jihad" case: Iraqi-American medical researcher Ali al-Yimimi, who preached in northern Virginia mosques and disseminated his radical thinking on the Web, was sentenced to life imprisonment last week. His crime: inciting followers, many of them young American-born Muslims, to a violent defense of Islam and war against the United States and its intervention in Islamic countries. [ … ]

In the US, the attacks and events like the Virginia Jihad case are raising anxieties about immigrants and their allegiances in the midst of a rapidly expanding immigrant population. With a new report finding that births to foreign-born women in the US are at their highest level ever — nearly 1 in 4 — some experts are warning that the traditional rapid assimilation of immigrants risks breaking down — with potentially worrisome consequences.

"Traditionally you had in the US an immigrant child learning to swim in a sea of native children, but increasingly it is the children of natives lost in a sea of children of immigrants," says Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington. His research of US Census figures shows that in 2002, 23 percent of US births were to immigrant mothers — up from 15 percent in 1990.

The figure is closer to 25 percent today, Mr. Camarota adds, and could approach 30 percent by 2010. [ … ]

In Western countries with sizable Muslim minorities, the survey shows, concerns about unassimilating populations run parallelel to worries about extremist violence. In the US, where 70 percent said they worried about Islamic extremism in their country, half said they sensed an increasing interest in Islamic identity, and generally saw that as a bad thing. "The US is on the lower end [when compared to European countries]," says Ms. Funk, "but the same trend is there."

The intelligent thing for America to do, given the calamity, which Islamic immigration has brought to Europe (and the likelihood of Eurabia becoming a reality due to the relentless demographics of immigration and high birth rate), would be to at least stop Muslim immigration from, say, terror-supporting nations. But Washington can’t even do that, as illustrated by the fact that diversity visas are still dispensed to citizens of North Korea, Iran and Iraq.

As Parapundit (Randall Parker) recently remarked, "Muslims are nature’s way of telling us that multiculturalism is a really bad idea."

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