Muslims Threaten Demographic Takeover Of Britain In Private Meeting

By Brenda Walker


Here’s a reminder that welcoming your culture’s historic enemies as immigrants by the millions is still not a good idea. Government policies in Britain have allowed a vicious fifth column to develop, and Washington has pursued a similar idiocy here by permitting Muslim immigration to continue even after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Note how these Muslims residing in Britain chose to remember the 9/11 anniversary, as reported by The Sun going undercover in a private London meeting [We need more Muslim babies … then we can take over Britain, By Anthony France And Vince Soodin, The Sun, September 12, 2008]

Speaking at a rally marking 9/11, Anjem Choudary bragged that a birth explosion would let followers of Islam take control of the country. [ … ]

"The Home Office say there are 1.5million Muslims but there were 1.5million ten years ago. Since then our brothers in Bethnal Green, Whitechapel and other places have had eight or nine children each. Eight children here, ten children, 15 children. There must be at least six million people.

"It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state. We may never need to conquer it from the outside."

And (from the same jihadist meeting) when Muslims residing in Britain aren’t popping out baby suicide bombers, they are making threats: Britain Will Be Target of the Next 9/11, Warn Preachers of Hate [Daily Express, September 13, 2008]:
BRITAIN is set to be the target of a September 11-style atrocity, Muslim fanatics were told at a meeting in London.

And they cheered as exiled preacher Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed ramped up the hatred via video link from his hideaway in Lebanon.

In another reminder of insistent Muslims taking over traditional Christian lands, the town of Bethlehem (the original one) has a population of only 15 percent Christians, down from 60 percent in 1990.

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