Must Pass Legislation: Suggested Riders To Attach To Bills The Obama Administration Wants To Pass

By Federale


Once again there is must pass legislation in Congress. This time it is a transportation bill, the darling eye of many legislators, government contractors, and blue collar white dominated unions. The Republicans are looking to attach other legislation opposed by the Obama Regime in order to cram it down Obama’s throat. Unfortunately, stopping the Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty is not part of the plan to over-ride an Obama veto.

Breitbart by William Bigalow March 4, 2015

Senate Fails To Override Obama Veto On Keystone XL

The GOP, desirous of overriding Barack Obama’s veto of legislation approving the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline, failed to do so on Wednesday, with the vote 62-37 — five votes short of the two-thirds majority needed …

But the GOP has other plans to get the pipeline approved; Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND), who wrote the bill, said the GOP will probably attach the legislation to a long-term transportation funding bill that faces a May 31 deadline. That idea has Keystone backers confident of its passage; they believe that Barack Obama would not veto the six-year highway bill even if the pipeline is attached to it.

Manchin admitted, “This is coming back in the form an infrastructure bill, a road bill that we are all voting for.”

So, must pass legislation supported by corrupt Democrats. Sounds like another opportunity to attack legislation to stop the Obama Regime Administrative Amnesty. And this time it is not a spending bill, so no faux shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security to worry about.

More importantly, this is not a spending rider that will prohibit the use of funds, but is actual legislation that will be permanent, not just for a fiscal year. This gives patriots in Congress the opportunity to permanently end Administrative Amnesties, mandate enforcement, increase use of expedited removal, impose non-feasance standards on DHS employees, and build a fence, all as part of legislation that even liberals want as infrastructure spending is very popular in Congress.

Here are some suggestions for the legislation:

Must pass legislation is an opportunity for immigration patriots, let’s hold the RINO feet to the fire as well as those Democrats who want that transportation spending.

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