A Haven For Child Predators And Political Candidates

By Bryanna Bevens


Now here’s an interesting campaign strategy …

Jack Carter is a Democrat from Nevada challenging the incumbent Republican John Ensign for a Senate seat next November.

Yeah … and he’s soliciting help from the kiddies at — you know, the Blogosphere advertised as a place for kids to make new friends that in reality is more like a place for perverts to meet kids.

The Carter campaign website has a link called "get involved" which takes the reader to the "Jack Carter for Senate 2006 Nevada" homepage on

"If you and your MySpace friends get five people apiece … Democrats will win in 2006," he said.

Jack Carter Calls On MySpace Democrats Associated Press 6/12/06

Hmm … Dems surfing looking for new recruits — if the abundance of child molesters floating around that place isn’t enough to keep your kids away, this oughta do it.

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