NAACP Head Blames Whites For Hispanic Female Alleged Murdered By Black Cop
Earlier: Head Of Atlanta-Area NAACP Blames Black-On-Hispanic Abduction/Murder On White People
The naked corpse of Susana Morales, a 16-year-old Hispanic female, was found dumped in some woodland near Doraville, GA on February 6th. Ms. Morales was apparently murdered and dumped there last July. I don’t want to think about what condition her corpse must have been in.
So who done it? Well, a black police officer, 22-year-old Miles Bryant, has been charged with her murder.
Officer Bryant may have done the killing — I’ll let a court decide — but the real culprit here is white people. So we are instructed by Penny Poole, the local NAACP President.
“I really do believe that there’s a disproportionate concern when the children are black and brown, and the attention is not the same as when the children are white,” said Poole.
[National organizations want more to be done in missing children cases when it comes to minorities,, February 15, 2023]
If Ms. Morales had been white her poor corpse would have been found sooner, says Ms. Poole.
They hate us, they really hate us.