
Names, Crime, And Racism: The Funny Name Prize Goes To Traneilous, The PC Prize To CRACKED Magazine

By James Fulford


Traneilous Jackson

From Lawrence Auster’s website:

Man admits that he peppered with gun fire an ambulance carrying his wounded enemy and the car following the ambulance carrying his enemy’s family and friends.

Traneilous tells a Fort Wayne, Indiana court that he did indeed intend to kill Jermaine, Domonic, Latasha, and Lashanda.

Here, more formally, is the news report:

Guilty plea in raid on ambulance

Shooter, [pictured right] 24, admits attempt to kill others, faces 60 years
Jeff Wiehe, The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, January 29, 2013

Related:4 Situations That Make White People Feel Racist, By: Cracked.com,January 27th, 2013.

Mr. Clay, who points out that it’s not a bed of roses being called "Felix", says

If you watch enough Maury Povich, you're going to run across an episode in which a guest comes on stage whose name is Shaneequa. Or Jamarcus. Or Trevian. I’m not even going to ask you what race you think these three people are, because we all know what everyone else is thinking, and right here is where some people start feeling uncomfortable. With no extra info available, if I ask you to tell me what Shaneequa looks like, you know what I expect to hear and I know what you're thinking and you're afraid to answer. Part of you is. But is it racist? You think it is. We're all terribly afraid that if we even say the name "Shaneequa" we're being racist. But it’s a real name. I saw a girl on the show whose name really was Shaneequa. I also saw a woman whose name was Velveeta, but we're not getting into that.

For a polite, middle-class white person, saying the name "Shaneequa" is as terrifying as invoking the name of the devil on a dusty stretch of Arkansas highway. You say it and look around to see if anyone heard. The fear that somehow you're casting aspersions on black America is suddenly right at the forefront of your thoughts. If you Google names like "Laquisha," you'll find them on lists of "ghetto names," and you just said it and that means you think black people are from the ghetto. You racist.

Of course, when says that names like that are "terrifying", he doesn’t mean they're afraid that someone bearing that name will shoot him, then shoot at the ambulance that takes him to the hospital. He means they're afraid that they'll be exposed as guilty of a racial impropriety, as if they had suddenly become … lower class whites.

Note his reference to "invoking the name of the devil on a dusty stretch of Arkansas highway".

I assume he’s thinking of rural white people there, but in real life, if someone throws up their hands and cries out in superstitious fear at the name of the Devil, their name is very likely to be Shaneequa.

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