National Data | FLASH FLASH: The BLS Hears Our Cry — Will FINALLY Publish Monthly Job Figures On Foreign-Born Workers
As readers know, the government does not publish monthly job figures on foreign-born workers. As a result, we have been forced to use Hispanic employment as a proxy for immigrant employment when calculating’s American Worker Displacement Index (VDAWDI.) For years we have complained about the omission. Well, it seems as if Washington has finally thrown up its hands. Read carefully:
"Upcoming Changes to The Employment Situation News Release Effective with the release of January 2010 data on February 5, 2010, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics will introduce several changes to The Employment Situation news release text and tables. Two new summary tables-one for the household survey and one for the establishment survey-will replace the current table A. In addition, three new household data tables will provide information on the employment status of veterans, persons with a disability, and the foreign born…" [PDF]
The first step to recovery is to acknowledge the problem. This is as true in economics as it is in medicine. Monthly release of foreign born employment data will hopefully force those beyond the immigration reform movement to acknowledge the problem. Who knows? Restrictionist legislation could become politically correct. That this announcement comes a day after the jobs summit strikes us as exquisite — albeit serendipitous — timing