National Review to reinstate Peter Brimelow?

By Patrick Cleburne


A truly impressive number of bloggers have fired up their computers in outrage at the Bush Immigration Betrayal, with its guarantee of massive new immigration. The servile Senate isn’t winning itself any friends either. Some excellent work is being done, with many bloggers generously linking to valuable items they see on other sites.

I found Donkey Cons Next day, same issue item this evening particularly worth reading. For example

The Senate rejects enforcement-first … The enforcement measure was proposed by Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia. When I lived in Georgia, Isakson was considered kind of a moderate, country-club type from a posh suburban district, but I guess now that he’s representing the whole state, he’s become a stalwart. Way to go, Johnny! …

Donkey Cons raises a crucial point

Bush first proposed this "guest worker" plan in January 2004, out of the blue. It is obvious that he sincerely believes in it, so it is not a "compromise" with anybody.

Why does he so sincerely want this electorally catastrophic idiocy?

The answer lies behind Donkey Cons funniest thought

At National Review Online, the editors are blunt:

If the purpose of the speech was to shore up the president’s standing with conservatives, it failed. This administration’s lack of credibility on immigration enforcement can’t be reversed by adding a few National Guard references to its tired rhetoric of unmanned aerial vehicles and more detention beds.

Does this mean that National Review will reinstate Peter Brimelow? The author of Alien Nation recently spoke at Vanderbilt University:

[O]pinion polls have consistently shown that the Americans are highly disturbed by the issue. There’s a reason why the President hasn’t been able to get his amnesty program through, although he’s been trying now for six years. That’s because when the Republican congressman go home, they find that their districts are fiercely opposed to it.

Exactly. Folks who spend their lives in Washington or New York, debating other college-educated professionals like themselves, have no idea the strong, visceral reactions which amnesty proposals provoke in the working class and middle class in the Red States. "Fiercely opposed" is probably an understatement.

The reason Bush is so adamant on this policy is the same reason that Immigration reform was so systematically eradicated from National Review almost ten years ago. Think about it.

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