Faith-Goldy-CPAC-VDARE And Faith Goldy On American Conservative Union’s Threatening Over CPAC Videos

By James Fulford


Tom Pappert at writes

EXCLUSIVE: CPAC Attempts to Censor Anti-Immigration Commentator Faith Goldy, VDARE

After Faith Goldy, a Canadian political and social commentator, attended CPAC and recorded videos for VDARE revealing the extent the corporate interests of the Republican Party are represented at the event, the organization sent VDARE notice to take the videos off YouTube for supposed copyright infringement.

In documents provided exclusively to National File, The American Conservative Union sent a notice of trademark infringement to VDARE for using the CPAC logo in several videos and interviews recorded by Goldy. The logo is visible in the background of the videos, as was the case for every major outlet who attended and recorded videos at the conservative event.

Goldy’s videos for VDARE exclusively focus on CPAC limiting conversation surrounding limiting immigration, and the organization views the ACU’s letter as an attempt to stifle dissent surrounding the conservative conference and to protect the corporate interests of the ACU.

“A number of videos you have posted on your Youtube [sic] channel contain representations of the CPAC logo, and thus, violate our intellectual property rights,” wrote ACU attorney David H. Safavian. “It is in our best interest to have this issue settled amicably, so as to avoid further legal remedies as provided under state and federal laws.”[More]

As our lawyer explained, this is news coverage of the event. We are not impersonating CPAC, we are reporting on it. There is, at the moment, a lengthy playlist on YouTube of Faith Goldy’s video coverage of CPAC 2018. Either click on the playlist link above, or watch below. (Lawyers cost money--people who want to donate to support us, click here.)

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