NATURE Magazine Has A Poll (That You Can Vote In!) On "Taboo Genetics"
By Steve Sailer
From the scientific journal Nature:
Probing the biological basis of certain traits ignites controversy. But some scientists choose to cross the red line anyway.
Erika Check Hayden
02 October 2013
Scientists cited or quoted include Steve Hsu, Geoffrey Miller, Christopher Chabris, Francis Galton, Robert Plomin, and Bruce Lahn.
And here is Nature’s tut-tutting editorial:
Dangerous workBehavioural geneticists must tread carefully to prevent their research being misinterpreted.
Here are the four questions in Nature’s poll.
Should scientists refrain from studying the genetics of intelligence?
Should scientists refrain from studying the genetics of race?
Should scientists refrain from studying the genetics of violence?
Should scientists refrain from studying the genetics of sexuality?
To quote the conclusion of a great American’s 1940 book: "Vote early and often."