NC’s Senator Thom Tilli$$$$ Puts Cheap Labor Lobby Donors Ahead Of Americans On H-2B Visas
H/T Pic The Daily Haymaker
In early 2014 when Thom Tillis was first running for the North Carolina GOP Senatorial nomination to take on the Democratic incumbent, our faithful friend Mike Scruggs already had his measure:
…he is a professional special interest politician, who generally supports whatever big business and big ag want. He also supports pro-life, pro-gun, and other issues, but in my opinion, out of political expediency rather than conviction.
In the event Tillis won the 8-way Primary with 45.8% of the vote, swept in by massive Adelzuck spending. And in the General Election, Obama revulsion gave him a narrow victory too.
Tillis spectacularly paid back his Cheap Labor Lobby backers this week: GOP Sen. Tillis tries to force more foreign guest-workers by putting hold on Trump nominee By Stephen Dinan The Washington Times Monday, July 10 2017
Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina has put a “hold” on Lee Francis Cissna, the nominee for director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, to try to pressure Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly to bend to the senator’s will and quickly approve thousands of H-2B visas.Mr. Tillis is one of a number of senators who say their states’ summertime resort, seafood and landscaping industries are struggling to find American workers and need the foreign labor to survive.
This H-2B racket has enabled seasonal employers to undercut traditional labor suppliers, notably students. The Center for Immigration Studies posted a report on it today: Wage Data Shows No Labor Shortage in H-2B Occupations. CIS’Jessica Vaughan was quoted in the article above:
“These are jobs that used to be held by college students. I certainly did it when I was in college,” … Ms. Vaughan pointed to the experience of some Maine businesses that used to rely on H-2B. She said when the supply dried up, the businesses started to recruit senior citizens instead, working with them to accommodate their desire for part-time jobs.
In a major understatement she added
Some of the senators who represent states where employers really want these workers are some of the biggest proponents of this program,” she said. “It certainly appears that senators are very susceptible to pressure from the employers who want to bring in these workers instead of hire American workers, even though these are clearly jobs that Americans are available for and are decent-paying jobs.”
Thom Tilli$$$$ is the quintessence of Conservatism Inc. North Carolina’s The Daily Haymaker, from which I borrowed the illustration and “Tilli$$$$” remarks
Yep. Our junior senator is carrying water for his patrons in The Chamber AND causing trouble for President Trump all in one fell swoop… Having a hard time finding work? Have a child or other family member struggling to find work? Thank stuff like this. And people like Thom.
A DH comment adds
If Tillis is the standard of what it looks like to be a republican in this state then I no longer want to be one. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EnglishOnly #StopAmericanJobLoss
To think it was North Carolina which gave America Jesse Helms.