
Neil Gorsuch: Trump Picks White Male Old Stock American For Supreme Court

By James Fulford


Trump has nominated Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, to replace the late, much missed Antonin Scalia. (Five Thirty Eight calls him a "Scalia clone.")

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Tuesday nominated Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, a federal appeals court judge in Denver, to fill the Supreme Court seat left open by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, elevating a jurist whose conservative bent and originalist philosophy fit the mold of the man he would succeed.

Mr. Trump’s announcement, delivered during prime time in the East Room of the White House, marked his first bid to reshape the nation’s highest court.

“Judge Gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned bipartisan support,” Mr. Trump said, standing beside the judge and his wife in the East Room. “It is an extraordinary resume — as good as it gets.”

Mr. Trump, who recognized Justice Scalia’s wife, Maureen, in the audience as he announced his choice, heaped praise on the “late, great” jurist, saying his “image and genius was in my mind throughout the decision-making process.”

Trump Nominates Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

By Julie Hirschfeld Davis And Mark Landler, NYT, January 31, 2017’s John Reid rated Gorsuch better than Pryor or Hardiman. His only concern was that Gorsuch might be "Too Principled For The Current Immigration Crisis".

Talking about it before the announcement, I asked Peter Brimelow what he thought was the probability that Trump would nominate a regular white American, rather than looking for the "first transgendered Yezidi justice" or whatever, and he thought it was almost certain.

The only thing that remains is to apply the old Archie Bunker Test of "What kind of name is Gorsuch?" The answer is, oddly enough, English, or to put it another way "American." (What used to be called Old Stock American.)

There have been Gorsuches in Baltimore since the time of the American Revolution, and before that, they were in England. [The Gorsuch and Lovelace Families (Continued), by J. H. P.,, VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE, April 1, 1919]

You might say, to paraphrase something Will Rogers once said about Plymouth Rock, that when the immigrants were streaming through Ellis Island in the late 19th century, the Gorsuches were there to meet the boat.

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